About me

Of course when learning to build one starts out with books and teachers; but when it comes to it, one really learns the trade by hands-on practice !

So, once I completed my MTS-eduction, I first worked in a small architectural office (doing all applicable jobs), then joined a bigger agency mainly engeneering Horeca-property (doing technical and interior drawing), followed by the technical department of a general hospital (organising maintenance and internal renovations) and subsequently a medium size construction company (interim-project manager), before I went self-employed by 1988. 

Since 1988 – besides doing design- and drawing jobs – I advised some 12.000 home-buyers and their real-estate agents when buying or selling property.
That gave me a very extensive insight in how materials and constructions behave over time and also in how people use and handle their built environment and what they expectations of it.

To get a better feel on the third “building-discipline” I worked for 5 years as a part-time municipal inspector, which not only gave me insight in the public regulatory aspects of building, but also in how our local government bodies handle it.

To complete my knowledge and experience, as a DIYer I tried most of the building- and installation- techniques myself; not only because it is fun to do, but also because that experience helps me make better design-choices and communicate better with on-site building staff.
Also, I love to “peek over the fence”, to see how other disciplines and other cultures handle their every day challenges and which of their solutions I can use in tackeling mine.   

In short : my specialism is “generalism”!

Robert ‘t Jong
designs – ideas – solutions